Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Tak tahu korang nak percaya atau tak tapi semalam masa bersiap nak ke kelas dah put on the jubah and the tudung, terperasan satu perkara..
keronsang yang saia kenekan di tudung menyerupai tanda salib. kalau tengok sekali memang kita akan sangka xde pape. tapi bila perhati bentuknya macam bentuk salib cuma dah di kenakan nilai tambah yang xkatara ke-salib-an nya..

ok here. as muslim kite semua di larang sama sekali untuk pakai apa-apa tanda atau simbol yang menyerupai atau melambangkan agama lain. boleyh terpesong akidah melalui perbuatan. syukur alhamdulillah cepat sedar.. and pada semua please do hati-hati masa nak beli benda-benda yang kite pakai. sekarang nie pown dah banyak lambang tu pada pakaian kita. kalau tak teliti elok-elok boleyh terbeli dan terpakai.

sila jadi cerewet

Saturday, March 24, 2012



please behave like a 

its can be delicious for those who like it and its also can be unpalatable for those who dislike it.
plus you can pour the milk, sugar or honey as your prefer but still the sense of coffee is remains there.

alright, what i gonna say is please be good to people who behave to you. and you can mix with other people without concerning their religion, family background, races etc.
but still you are who you body can change it.

peace : ~ )


sebagai mahasiswa yang bekerja part time as assistant burung hantu maka idea untuk entry nie pown mendapat ilham dari fenomena di kala burung hantu dah punch in dan ayam itik dah punch out.

rumah yang menghadap jalan raya memudahkan aku untuk melihat fenomena malam di tambah pula dengan kedudukan rumah aku yang di atas angin. jadi keluarkan sikit kepala dari tingkap dan tunduk bawah maka tersergamlah satu pemandangan yang menyakit kan cornea hatta bulu-bulu mata ikut sama rasa nak tercabut.

anak muda lelaki dan perempuan berpelukan atas motor.. erk.. muda belia lagi tuh.. berbaik sangka bahawa mereka dah kawen. tapi kalau tengok makcik dan pakcik yang berpuluh tahun kawen xde plak macam tu kelakuannya. hatta di bandar-bandar besar pown fenomena nie bukan lagi satu keganjilan menyebabkan masyarakat dah tak ambik pusing.

WAIT.. !! masyarakat tak ambik pusing??! aha.. ! nie lah salah dan silapnya. sepatutnya masyarakat ambik berat pasal nie.. perkara nampak sangat mudah dan ringan hakikatnya implikasinya amat besar. at first place, toleh belakang kejap tengok balik :

  • apa hukum berduaan lelaki dan permpuan yang bukan muhrim? 
  • apa hukum bersentuhan lelaki dan wanita bukan muhrim?

yes.. nama pown bukan muhrim.. maha hukumya HARAM.. ! maka apabila kemungkaran di lakukan maka perkara bukanlah lagi sesuatu yang ringan dan boleyh di ambil mudah makcik pakcik..

"tak pe, dekat je tuh bukan sapa-sapa jiran kenal dari kecik.," kata seorang makcik.

makcik.. adakah makcik sedang merelakan anak yang makcik sayang dan tatang nie jadi bahan api neraka??

alah makcik. api je pown.. bukan apa-apa kan... ! =,=''

and actually bila bermotor berdua jauh dari pandangan ibu bapa dan owang yang di kenali maka apa sahaja boleyh berlaku .. saya petik kata-kata ustaz rock zaman ini, UAI

" boleyh nak naik motor dengan teman wanita dengan syarat ayah die duduk kat tengah-tengah"
:) peace. ~

dan di sini saya juga ingin memberikan setinggi-tinggi pujian atas program yang di jayakan baru-baru ini di UITM SHAH ALAM "1 MOTOR 1 GENDER" semoga adanya aktiviti begini dapat memberi kesedaran kepada anak muda hari nie bahawa jangan ambik ringan soal hukum, dan jangan ambik mudah perkara yang melibatkan pergaulan lelaki dan perempuan.


Thursday, March 22, 2012


kalau tengok drama korea, kebiasaannya student akan naik basikal gi kolej..
drama hollywood pown (selain baverly hills lifestyle) biasanya student akan naik basikal jugak.. 
dan ada je owang yang dah kerja naik basikal ke termpat kerja kalau mereka xnaik metro atau penggangkutan awam.tapi rasanya student Malaysia je yang naik kereta, motor tau jalan kaki. erk... 

 oleyh hal yang demikian, as student rasanya teringin sangat nak naik basikal kembali. 
actually i am one of the student yang naik motor dan kereta since sekolah menengah. naik basikal serius tak pernah, jadi dah besar-besar nie tetibe rasa nak mengayuh plak gi kampus. but pernah dulu masa time diploma pegy pinjam basikal kat unit sukan semata-mata nak pusing kampus. bersukan lah (kononnya). baru 2 3 kali kayuh dah mengah. muahaha.

tapi entah kenapa dah degree nie tetiba nak try sekali lagi. and i did bagitau kat kawan.. ceyt. serius kene gelak dengan dowang .. 

"ko nak naik basikal? dengan nie??(refer pada tudung labuh me)
i said " yes. indeed. dengan jubah. ok x? "
lagi pecah gelak dowang.. like halooooo.. what is so wrong dengan my jubah and tudung bidang 60? so mean dah pakai jubah segala xboleyh cycle la cam tu? please... open minda sikit.. nothing wrong selagi follow the rules.. jangan la pakai jubah, pakai tudung besar cycle without seluar dari dalam.. pakai la seluar panjang dari dalam. xde la terselak apa yang tak patut. ish..ish..ish.. 

nie lah yang pelik nya manusia.. bila ada someone nak cube something yang di luar kebiasaan mesti kene gelak. long as the thing x effect sesapa, xmencemar alam dan pandangan, so just carry on.. and now do ya thing you gelak and i will stop la? ahaks. ! macam tak kenal me.. i will do what i said. tunggu dan lihat je... 

and ya.. berbalik soal berbasikal nie. dekat area rumah pown memang dah xde remaja yang naik basikal. semua pown dah naik motor. seawal umur 12 tahun you allss.. dah bawak motor. 
erk..adik-adik. serius akk cadangkan naik basikal je k.. kenapa?? 

  • fuel free
  • saving
  • membantu kita untuk sehat
  • tak perlu lesen
  • selamat

ok..ok.. ada yang kata naik basikal lambat. bagus la lambat asal selamat dari laju tapi kadar kemalangan dan kematian sangat tinggi (refer engine vehicle).. ada yang kata cycle nanti crime rate tinggi.. cycle la dalam pax.. ramai-ramai. jangan sowang-sowang,.. bahaya jugak tuh.. ada yang kata cycle nie xselamat sebab xnampak kereta belakang.. cycle lah menentang arus. belah tepi-tepi. jangan la ketengah jalan.. tu kalau dah tempah keranda dan tanah boleyh la kowt.. ada yang kata cycle kalau malam kenderaan engine x nampak.. tampal la sticker pantul cahaya banyak-banyak kat basikal tu. letak sekali side mirror dan lampu. habis cerita.. 

ok kawan. actually kalau you do nak something you will work for it without any excuse kan?? yang paling penting love our nature.. dah banyak sangat asap kenderaan sekarang nie.. i do sesak nafas.. and this sem actually i dah xbawak kereta.. sebab nak berdikari sikit. ahaks.. but definitely naik bus pusing town is not me.. i prefer taxi atau car pool.. 

dan sebagai pencinta orang utan, i bawak kan you allz semua article nie : 

however, i serius menentang keras kalau adik-adik yang below 12 untuk cycle kemana-mana.. better go with your parents.. and parents please take note.. jangan lepaskan anak-anak dengan redha yang mebuta tuli.. mereka kecil lagi. naive.. kalau jadi apa-apa nanti mule la bising-bising masuk paper segala.. better you cegah dari awal dari nanti u susah nak ubati.. right??  kes culik sangat tinggi sekarang.. kes langgar lari lagi.. belum tengok crime yang lain.. jadi better you jaga anak you baik-baik.. sayang your kids lebih dari sayang your time.. spend setengah jam hantar ambik anak you nak kemana-mana wont give a scar. just do it.. indeed ia adalah salah satu your Quality time.. righto?? 

Sunday, March 18, 2012


as usual, when my thought is distracting by something i will get insomnia. and today is the third day..

the problem is actually about the house and about the internet connection.

this semester i share the house with paxs from sabah..they all are non muslim. for your thought may be  its ok.. so do i.. it was ok except for the thing that i wasn't uncomfortable to uncovered in front of them.. i called my mom to ask bout this.. she asked me to move out. i asked my ustazah, she told me its ok to uncover (aurat) but still it wasn't me.. before i knew they are non muslim may be it was ok, but after i know i think i really should cover myself. it was my obligation towards the believes.. and i should fulfill it..

the internet connection is oso very pathetic. i have suspended my maxis , subscribed the P1, and buy another Celcom..  just imagine all these telco is useless here because my room is surround by wall.. yes a WALL.. ! I've tried to think positively by telling myself 1 fine day i oso gonna surround by land (die).. but, as long as i am alive, i have to studies and i have to finish my assignment. how i gonna do my work without internet?  the lecturer gonna post the tutorial at his website. the faculty gonna update anything at the web. so do i have to stand still and redha?? NOOOO... ! definitely it is not me. i will stand still and fight for my right.

this is nothing to do ungrateful or what ever. thing is i only trying to get something i deserves for something i've PAID. ! ok.. i have PAY everything.. this is the way i gonna show how grateful i am toward the give from my parents.. i gonna stand for my right. if only arwah ABANG AMIN (die on march 13 2012 ) i believe he will help.

to abang Amin..
i believe you found your peace there. you dont have to fight for our right dont have to tense with the world and i believe ALLAH will bless you for what you have done for us all these years.. and we will continue fight for you, for us and for next batch.


i've been called to read it again and again.. 

mistake.. yes.. i made mistake.. fall for something which i clearly knew that i am not into.. 
but thanks ALLAH, because of it i knew i am still alive and i am still have the sense which  i thought i lost it somewhere.. and because of it i know i am special.

i quoted phrases from my naQibah.. 

" ALLAH will test us according to our ability.. He test us because He wanna show us His love. according to your situation, He wanna show you that you are too special by letting you know all these guy. but then non of them are you mate. coz  someone REALLY special are waiting for ya at the end " 

ladies. and lil sis.. 
im not write this to tell all of ya that i am in love or i have fall for someone.. definitively not. the purpose of writing this is to make all of you realize that love is a give.. you mate is oso a give. you dont have to seek or looking for it. it will  come to you when the time has arrive. it will come ONLY when it is time. 

but saying that you like certain people wasn't that bad actually.. only when you no how to control ya self.. like what i did, i told him that i like him. not directly.. i write a note.. but.. yes.. but.. i told him at the moment i wanna leave him.. he was angry.. and he thought of leave me.. but actually i did think of leaving and forgetting about the friendship.. then only i told him.. and till now, my love, my heart and my soul are given to my future.. i've told ya. im not someone who into all these. 

the story a bit cliche for his thought may be. but believe me peeps, by forgetting and leaving you will find so much fun and joy.. coz y, when you leave and forget means you leave everything to HIM.. and of course he know the best. he is our creator right? 


situasi 1 : 

bring all the assignment, bring together all the lap-pies, bring together all the books kat rak buku tu, bring together all the fone, gadget, food, and etc..etc..

dah bawak kumpul satu tempat, gather all the group mate dan work it sampai siap.

situasi 2 : 

bring the necessary material like NOTE books, pencil, and the instruction sheet. gather the mate and discuss the PART and go back, work it yourself dan sampai satu tarikh compile dan submit.

ok peeps.
between this two situation, which one do you prefer the most? no harm,. individual opinion..

my comment : 

the first situation either it is at the 11 o'clock (last minutes) or not, it still will make you tense tahap ekstrem.. you will tense with the time, you will tense dengan source, you will tense fikir kerja lain nak buat jugak. so here i do think this kind of  plan will not working for group assignment.

we have like few pax in a group.. so sometimes the other pax mungkin kene commite dengan commitment lain. jadi we really cant assume other can follow our time.

kalau pemilihan waktu salah, boleyh jugak menyebabkan kerja yang kite nak work tu akan jadi a sheet of trash. ye lah.. dah buat nye waktu x effective. satu hari 24 hours menghadap benda tu.. mind set fikir nak siap je tanpa consider the outcome.. so at last kene reject.. lagi susah..

where else, situasi ke dua you gonna work it freely according your time.. bila free buat bila x free xyah buat tanpa langgar tarikh dan masa compilation yang diberikan group leader.. kalau langgar memang saja cari naya la.. here, kowang xkan tense dengan maca-macam dalam otak.. kalau ada kekeliruan freely boleyh consult dengan lecturer... nak dating sambil buat assignment pown terpulang lah asal keje ko siap. (privacy kowang xkan nak campurkan)..

so people, dalam group assignment, we have to.. again.. HAVE TO consider other commitment dan do not, again DO NOT being selfish. !