Saturday, April 23, 2011


air.. water..
owh no..!
manusia xleyh hidup tanpa air..!
badan manusia is 70 % air..
dan manusia sangat bergantung pada air..
manusia leyh tahan seminggu tanpa makanan tapi sangat susah nak hidup lebih 3 hari tanpa air.
 sume orang tahu tu..

xde la..
cuma  nak cakap life kat kolej nie kan sume nye free..
air pown free sebab pejabat kolej yang bayar..
so kalau dapat guna air tu,
selagi air tu ada la dok pasang je paip tu
xxtahu langsung nak jimat or fikir tentang keperluan orang lain

bila da jadi cam nie..
(air kene potong)
baru la mencanak sume mencari dan cakap
"aku jimat air pas nie"

aku la salah sowang tuh..

tapi yang sakit hatinya
kalau ye pown nak potong boleyh x bagi notis dulu/
nie minggu exam la..

masing-masing perlukan air tok 
sume-sume lah..

sampai la entry nie di tulis..
aku belum MANDI..


do u no that yawning  can go around people around us????
and probably yawning was'nt exactly a sign of sleepy...
i do yawning..
a lot..and many times in a day..

i do yaw many time but still i cant sleep..
what should i do?

probably i can :

  • count the sheep..

  • eat

  • reading

  • fb- ing

  • blog- ing

  • watch movie

  • study

  • lay down and watch the ceiling

  • talk 

  • listen to the music

  • sms - ing

  • call - ing

  • i have no sheep to count..
  • i have nothing to eat
  • reading keeps my eyes open 
  • nothing special on my fb
  • no idea for blog
  • 400+++ gb of movie is finish watch by me
  • had no mood to study
  • staring at the ceiling make me feel dizzy
  • i have no body to talk to as my roomates sleep edi
  • i'll sing along the song and make me awake
  • i have no special to sms or call.. 

so what should i do???
i suppose i should just continue wondering 

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


hai people..
kalau sem lepas aku cite pasal kerenah final aku..
boleyh tengok kat link nie


jadi kali nie aku nak cite pasal  kerenagh kami se-ROOM bila final da dekat.
apa yang kami suka dan apa yang kami xsuke..
yang kami suke tu kalau buat memang sah- sah dapat pujian lagi belaian la..
tapi tang yang xsuka tu sila lah bvuat kalau agak-agak nak kene baling kasut..

cite nya cam nie..
kalau final je.. :

kami akan sangat kuat makan. terbaru kami telah di sponsor beras 10 kilo oleh sowang hamba ALLAH.. waaaaaaaaaaahh.. 10 kg ko.. nak wat kenduri ke apa kat level nie??

yang kedua nya.. kami sangat suka tidur lewat. normal lah kan mujsim- musim exam nie tidur lewat.. so xyah cite panjang.

yang ketiganya, kami ini sangat suke pandang sesama sendiri. pandang?? ada masalah ke?? memang la masalah kalau pandangan tu macam nak cari gaduh. tapi bezanya kami pandang sesama sendiri sebab kami tengah menghafal sebenarnya.. jadi kami alihkan pandangan tu dari buku kejap.. pandang muka membe .. manalah tau dapat ilham kan??

yang seterusnya, kami nie sangat suka marah-marah. wait. wait.. wait.. bukan maarah nak gaduh.. tapi marah sebab sanling mengingati antara satu sama lain.. marah la kalau aku nak study tapi membe tengok movie kan.. tergoda aku.. xpown aku study membe tido.. memang menaikkan nafsu tol.. tapi selalunya si pelaku tengok movie  dan tidur tu aku.. jadi  disini aku la yang selalu yang kene marah.. haha..

ok. cukup dengan apa yang kami suka.. now  move pada apa yang kami xsuka pulak..

pada musim-musim final nie.. kami sangat lah xsuka kalau  :

pintu bilik di ketuk.. halo people.. sign da besar-kami tulis STUDY TIME PEOPLE.. ooooppssss.. bukan xnak bukak.. sebenarnya time-time otak tengah menghafal tiba-tiba ada benda berbunyi.. PRAAAAAANG.. jatuh bersepai idea aku tadi.. consider pleaseee...

second, sangat lah xsuka kalau musim final nie ada aktviti atau meeting atau kejadah yang sewaktu dengannya..aku xpernah kene benda nie.. tapi roomate aku nyaris terkena.. presentation musim study week.. memang x lah people.. kasi carut je nanti..

and last but not least. AKU sangat terganggu lihat orang study.. sebab aku tau aku x study lagi.. jaid aku rasa takut.. so nak atasi perasaan tuh, aku pown TIDO.. hahhahahhahahahah..

Saturday, April 9, 2011


we do have something we like and we dont..
and here i just wanna let all of you no what exactly will make me hates you if you ever do it.

  • touch my stuff

  • break your promise

  • bring away everything i lend you..(i lend it to you.. allow you to borrow it not ask you to make it yourself)

  • cheat me

  • lay down on my bed and mess it.. (please tidy it up after you lay peeps)

  • be bossy with me..(no body can command me even PM you fool..!)

  • talk proudly like you know everything.. but actually you are nothing.

  • ring me when im sleep
thats all for now...
my lappy seems like shouting out loud "IM TIRED YOU FOOL..".. (its already online for 24 hours..)


hai there..
first of all nak bagitahu kat sini yang life damn freaking bad recently as the final is juZt around da corner and it drive me crazy..
yeargh normal word from normal "mahasiswi"..

ok..ok.. look..
having a long chat with my peeps force me to have a look at my blog..
i actually really wanna write something but i dont have any subject to be post on here..
and i was about to take a walk down stairs..

i was bumped with my level mate (same college different room).
she are holding a boxes of pizza..
smells good buddy..

and inspired me to google about starving to make it as todays subject..
take a look at this

right i know..
everybody knew that starving was'nt a new issue or something interested to be talk to.
however, i think there is something new..
which are call sense and humanity..
just take a look at this

while some of the resident are having poor food supply and bad starving, the other side of the world are throwing their food without guilty..
jjust take a look at above picture.
a tone of food being composed..

come on peeps..
they need the foods..
we though we have more
thats why we simply threw it away..
if you have a kind of higher imaginative thinking,
can you imagine if you throw your bread leftover to the victim,
they might appreciate it a lot.
and imagine the dying babies could be safe with your leftover..

so starting from now on,
no more waste..!
just eat rightly..
as teach by our phrophet

"eat when you are hungry and stop before you full"

lets be brilliant.. think about others...
may be today is their day,
who no, tomorrow may be YOU...!